Saturday, September 6, 2008


My sister is here!  Yay! I have a friend to talk to AND and an interpreter!  Well, she's more brave than I and speaks some German, so I get her to do all my dirty work asking for directions and such.  

Merissa actually arrived the 27th of August and we've been having so much fun that I haven't really had time to blog.  These are pics we took at our dinner at the famous Hofbräuhaus, totally touristy, but you gotta experience it.  Good food and beer of course.  Nate and I had Helles beer (lagers) and Merissa had a Radler.  The pretzels here are HUGE and delicious.  They are a must with your beer of course.  Who wants to come and visit.........????    


The Pfefferkorns said...

these are great pictures!! That beer is as big as your head shera! So glad Merissa is there for some daytime company.

The Yorks said...

You're right! It is as big as my head! And it's so heavy too, my biceps are going to be massive!

Anonymous said...

Nathan looks so happy with that large mug.