Tuesday, September 21, 2010

First Bath

Bea LOVES the bath. And who wouldn't if mommy and daddy make a room a steamy 80-some-odd degrees? But it's worth it for us to hear the coos and see the grins of our baby. And don't worry, we didn't wait 5 weeks to bathe sweet Bea, I'm just behind in my blog posts!

Monday, September 20, 2010

She's Here!

Although our baby girl arrived over a month ago, (August 13th to be exact, at 6:00 in the evening, a full 12 days later than estimated), I've had more pressing things to tend to rather than blogging.

So, without further ado, here is our daughter, Beatrice Elise York!

She was 7 pounds 5 ounces and 21 inches long.

We are so in love. And in awe. And terrified. And humbled. And exhausted. We're parents. God help us. No. Seriously.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Waiting Game

Well, the due date came and went. And I'm still pregnant. I know a few days is really not a big deal, and yes, some women do gestate for 42+ weeks, even though modern American medicine doesn't usually let you go that long.

But still. I admit to my impatience. And though Nate and I are ready; ready as we'll ever be, there are times where I think, (and this is usually in the dark watches of the night), "I'm not ready...I can't do this...give birth?? Parent??? Oh no no no. What was I thinking?" And then I first try and make some deal with God; going back to working full time as a kindergarten teacher, planning vacations to far away places with my beloved husband. Just us two. But then I eventually end up surrendering to God and where I am at right now with this little soul inside me.
Ha, like I had a choice. :/
Anyway, it's a mental surrender, which in truth is more powerful.

And then there are the logical thoughts. Impatience is still hovering, but at least I can acknowledge that it is time. A life change is upon us and we need not be fearful. We've been married for 8.5 years. We've had each other to ourselves for that long. EVERY night was date night and we'll always get to reminisce fondly about our time together. And we do. But, now we get to share it with a new little life. And that is exciting. It will be hard, but so is marriage to a degree.
Not only are we welcoming a new baby with open arms and minds, but a new phase in life. And that's worth waiting for.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Maternity Pictures

I'm just glad we did this. It almost didn't happen! These were taken in my 38th week by the talented Julie Cahill. Thanks Julie! Here are the ones we liked. Sorry there are a lot. Hope you like them too!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Out of the mouths of babes

As a (former) kindergarten teacher, I've come across some pretty funny quotes from students of mine. I even have a document where I'm saving them all in hopes of writing a short book one day. This little conversation, though not from one of my kindergarten classes, is rather humorous.

On our way up to a wedding this weekend, Nathan and I stopped at an In N Out Burger for lunch. At the end of our meal I went to the restroom. All the stalls were being used so I waited my turn. As one of the doors unlocked a mother and her young son, perhaps 3 or 4 stepped out. The little boy looked me up and down over and over again, and as I went into the stall and locked the door I heard this conversation:

Boy: Mommy, why is that lady's tummy so big?
Mom: She has a baby in her tummy.
Boy: But, where is the baby?
Mom: It's inside her tummy growing, just like you were. You were in mommy's tummy when you were real little too.
Boy: But how did the baby get there?
Mom: (in a hurried voice) Let's wash your hands honey.

Ah. Children. How I love their innocent wonder of the world. Too funny. Nathan says I should have shouted "I'm not pregnant!" but it's just a little too obvious at this point.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Day at the DMV and other such pregnancy adventures

I recently had to renew my driver's license at the DMV. Actually go to the government building, pay the fee, take an eye exam and a new picture. Although I think this is unfair while pregnant, there's no controlling that and it seemed easy enough.


As most of us Californians know, our state government is in a sad sad state as of late. The DMV (along with almost all government offices) is now closed certain days of the month for furlough days. This limits the amount of time one can conduct business with them. Ugh. So, even though I had made an appointment and arrived on time, I still had to wait in a long line just to tell them I was there. Then I, like everyone else, took a number (yes, after waiting in line), and waited for my number to be called.

The visit did not go as well as I would have hoped.

First of all, it was raining that day. And the line was out the door in the rain. Fabulous. Then some man is smoking directly behind me. Um, hello, pregnant woman in the very near vicinity! So I went Mama Bear on him and he stepped further away and exhaled in another direction.

Then when I finally reached the lady at the reception desk, she complimented my hair. Which sounds great, right? Except that her hair resembled Farrah Fawcett circa 1975. Oh no.

Then I realized that I had forgotten the document which had all my info on it that I was bring. Shoot. As I'm finishing up filling out a brand new document to replace the old one, my number gets called.

I pay my fee. The man asks me to read the letters on a chart against the wall. All I see are fuzzy b's, p's, q's, e's and other letters I'm not entirely sure about. My vision is shot. Pregnancy doesn't help. My driver's license now says I need corrective lenses. When did THAT happen??

I take my picture, forgetting to remove my bright yellow purse on my shoulder. After the click, the man says, "Great picture. Even got those dimples in there." Um, what? I have dimples?? Since when??? Apparently my face is fatter now too. And I have dimples.

I then go to New Leaf market to get a few groceries. Granted, these were groceries that I was craving, not necessarily healthy things, namely: Coconut bliss ice cream, Green and Black's chocolate bar and 2 for 1 Odwalla protein drinks. Hey, gotta get that protein in there from other sources than just meat!!
The guy at the checkout stand then comments as he's beeping through my purchases, "Well, someone's trying to gain weight!"

Sheesh. What a day.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Belly Pics from Mother's Day

Here I am at 28 weeks. Well, actually BABY is 28 weeks, not me, I'm considerably older than that......

Sometimes from the front, you can't really tell (unless I'm holding my stomach, as shown). I just look a little bigger. But from the side, it looks like I swallowed a basketball.

Dresses and cardigans are my new bestest friends as they camouflage well the poundage placed on my upper arms, thighs and fanny. Well, at least I tell myself that they do.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Spring in New York

And I don't mean the "new York". I mean the Big Apple. The city.

Took my last airplane trip (at least for awhile) to New York City. I went with my best friend Ali, who just so happens to have a very cool sister who works as an assistant costume designer on broadway. Ah, it's good to have connections.

Anyway we enjoyed central park, Brooklyn's botanical garden, Times Square, shopping and the highlight: 2 broadway shows including the opening night of American Idiot by Green Day. Of course it was a big-to-do and a handful of celebrities were there: Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka, Rosie O'Donnell, Edward Norton, of course the band Green Day among some others. I only saw them from a distance, mostly because I'm too shy to approach them. Oh well.
We partied into the night (2am, not bad for a pregnant woman!) and enjoyed all the free food at the after party.

I have to admit that I was a little intimidated by New York before going there. It just seemed SO famous and so daunting, that I would never feel quite comfortable. Nevertheless, it was great! I heart NY! Truth be told, I think I might just be a city girl. If that's even news to anyone.

Amazing fabric stores: floor to ceiling of every kind of fabric and related material you could possibly imagine.

First time to NY? Gotta go to the Empire State Building, right?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Michael & Sarah's wedding

Nate's youngest brother, Michael got married Easter weekend. Youngest in that he came about 3 minutes after his older twin brother. Anyway, now everyone in the York family is married. 4 sets of Mr. and Mrs. York. Whew! It is finished. Beautiful wedding, great people, fun was had by all. Congratulations Michael and Sarah!

Nathan and his other 2 brothers, Ryan and Allen in the bridal party. Love how they all held their hands the same way, with their left hand on top so that their wedding bands show.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Drumroll please......

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!

We can't believe it. I personally thought it may have just been impossible. But it's true. Or at least 99.9% (according to the ultrasound technician) true. And best of all, everything looks good and healthy.

Here's my favorite interaction of the day:

Technician: Do you want to see between the legs?
Me: Yes, please.
T: Any wagers? (looks at Nate, Nate shakes his head)
Me: I think it might be a boy, I had a dream it was a boy....
T: Ok, let's see here.........well, there's "his" vagina.

Too funny. We also found out that the placenta is anterior lying, meaning that it's in front, so no wonder I haven't felt too much kicking. Oh well. There are worse places it could lie.

Our daughter (ohmigosh, that sounds so weird), was a bit of a stinker too. She kept moving away from us and refusing to give a profile picture. Plenty of face-on ones though. She was moving and punching up a storm too. One picture we even got with her hand beneath her chin, graduation style! Such a little poser. She's definitely a Grellmann girl!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Slightly Pregnant Pictures


Ah, body image. Gotta love the way we love/hate our bodies. So much societal pressure to look a certain way. Even in pregnancy.

~19 weeks

Recently, my weight hasn't been an issue for me. I've been on the low end of the BMI index for awhile now, and even at my heaviest, (freshman, 15 baby), I was still within the normal range. So, seeing my weight go up and up, is a bit hard for me. I know it's ok, but sometimes it freaks me out to see those numbers I've never seen before on a scale! But I'm not complaining (yet). Just telling. Please don't look at my butt.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Telling My Parents

I love my mom. And my dad. I truly do. And I couldn't wait to tell them that we're having a baby. Mostly to have the endless hints and questions about WHEN we're ever going to procreate end. Yes, we've been married for 8 years, yes, I want to have children, yes, I know I'm in my 30s. Ok, already!

Anyway, when we chose to tell them at Christmas through a gift, their reaction was more than we could have hoped. Maybe that's what you get when everyone's given up hope? Nah. Just mom's bubbly personality. Gotta love it. If you know Joyce, you KNOW what I'm talkin' bout. Check out the pictures below.

And just for the record, we got them the "Grandparent's Handbook", a license plate frame and stuffed a few copies of the ultrasound in there too.

Oh yeah, we told Nate's parents at Christmas too, they were happy also, but we didn't take pictures. Sorta knew that the Grellmann side would be a little more, ahem, dramatic.