Friday, March 27, 2009

A Visit from Nichole and Michael

Nate's cousin, and our good friend, Nichole Whiteman visited us this past week. Her boyfriend Michael came along, in his first trip to Europe ever. They were here for the Starkbierfest, the festival of Strong Beer (this is what the people would drink during Lent, containing anywhere from 6-10% alcohol and considered "liquid bread" by the monks).

It was nice to have their company, we went to the Deutsche Museum (one of the biggest and oldest science and technology museums), explored the city of Munich and drank A LOT of beer. It was great. For a few days Nic and Mike also went to see Austria, staying in both Salzburg and Innsbruck; and getting in some good skiing too!

Michael was stoked about the non-existent open container laws.

Nichole's dramatic side makes an appearance.

At the Deutsche Museum. Mike pondering a turbine engine and Nichole ducking a bomb.

It's fun having guests. Next up......the parents! Here we go.......


The Pfefferkorns said...

so wish we could be on your list of visitors!! Have fun with your parents.

Tracy and Gary said...

Looks like so much fun to have friends and family visit. I saw a picture in the newspaper of a tree covered with easter eggs somewhere in Germany. Have you seen or heard of this? It looked pretty cool!

The Yorks said...

I haven't seen that Tracy! I'll have to google it and see. They do love their holidays over here though, I've been seeing nothing but eggs and bunnies in all the stores. The pastel colors are beginning to give me a headache.