Sunday, March 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Nathan!

Today is Nate's 32nd birthday. We celebrated by sleeping in and then having huevos rancheros for breakfast, a true treat in central Europe. I even made him guacamole. It kicked ass. It was another sunny day (warm even! It was 52F!!! All I wore was jeans and a sweater! This is a VERY big deal), so we took a walk in the sunshine and had tea and pie. All the York boys seem to like pie better than cake for their birthdays. What is WRONG with them?? Anyway, Nate enjoyed his berry pie and a fun, yet relaxing weekend.

1 comment:

The Pfefferkorns said...

Pie is ALWAYS superior to cake. Good choice nate. Nothing says america like a little apple pie (with a slice of American on top).
Nice choice with the huevos too, if I had to eat only one cuisine for the rest of my life it would be Mexican, hands down.