Friday, October 17, 2008

I rock

Why? WELL! Because I had my first breakthrough, I ordered coffee beans from the Dallmayr, all in German! Yay me! I am becoming the brave, relaxed and fashionable (if I don't say so myself, more on that later) woman that I know I can be.

It went like this:

Me: "Grüss Gott, Ich hätte gern 500 gram von Ethiopian Crown bitte." (Good day, I'd like 500 grams of the Ethiopian Crown please.)

Cashier: "In die Bohnen oder der gemahlene?" (In whole beans or ground?)

Me (after a slight pause where I was trying to figure out what she asked): Uh, in die Bohnen, bitte" (Uh, in whole beans please)

Cashier: "Beutel?" (Bag?)

Me: Nein, danke. (No, thanks)

Cashier: Ok, Auf Wiedersehen (ok, goodbye)

Me: Auf Wiedersehen (goodbye)

I'm celebrating the little things, right? It's been a good week. This has been my happy song and I'm singing it now. "Leeetttt the sun shine....leettt the sun shine...the suuun shine in....."


The Pfefferkorns said...

yea for Shera!! baby steps. I think I would have chickened out when I got to the counter. I think the more you do it the easier it is going to be. Glad the 'sun is shining' .

Nikki said...

ah, the most important thing to order: coffee and you have it mastered!
yeah for you! I was just thinking about you........I love being updated on here!