Friday, June 5, 2009

Buongiourno Italia!

Nathan and I leave tomorrow for our 3 week Italian vacation. We've had this trip planned since 2004. We just didn't know when we were going to take it. And here we are! 2009 and the year I turn 30. I am a bit bummed that I will not be able to celebrate my 30th birthday with my friends and a nice big party, but a trip to Italy comes in a close second.

We will be traveling mostly down western Italy. Sadly, there is never enough time to see it all, and we had to make some sacrifices. We are the type of travelers whom like to spend at least a few days in each location to try to get a feel of the area. So, we'll be in the Cinque Terre for 5 days, Rome for 5 days, Naples for 3, the Amalfi Coast for 5 and Sicily for 5.

We will see everyone when we get home to Santa Cruz (for 2 weeks for Nate, the month of July for me) on July 1st.

Ciao il mio bellas!


The Pfefferkorns said...

oh my!!! have so much fun you guys! what a great trip. the 30's rock! I hope you have a romantic birthday with bread wine and cheese!-and a little love!! :)

we would love to come to SC in September so tell me again what dates didn't work....

The Myatt-Paul's said...

Have fun, you'll love it!!!

Tracy and Gary said...

Enjoy your time! Look forward to having you guys back in the states soon!