Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Well, now what?

Just an update for those of you I haven't had the pleasure of speaking with personally. Our guests have come and gone, we have a few more travels to accomplish before we come home, but then.......that's it? Ok, cue nervous breakdown! No, seriously, a lot has changed while we've been "living it up" as you may think, in "fabulous Europe". Well, it's not all excitement and dreamy. It's just.....

Generally, most of my days are pretty hum-drum, still gotta do the basics of living, eating, washing, cooking, cleaning. And things change. And I do not do well with change. But then inevitably change becomes the new norm and I adjust, kicking and screaming along the way.

Nathan's work contract has been slightly extended through the month of August, so we'll be here a bit longer than originally planned. I do not know WHAT I was thinking when I booked our trip to Italy to arrive back in Munich, only to leave for San Francisco the next day. Maybe I thought I'd never get there. That's usually what I seem to think, it always seems so far off.

And, perhaps the most life-altering change (thus far), is that I resigned from my job. It was one of those decisions made by a step of faith. What do I do now? God knows. Really. He does. And I am clutching to that truth like it's my lifeline. Cause it is. Sure, I could easily wander into "who am I? what am I? where does my value lie? am I just existing rather than living? what purpose have I? am I a being just wandering aimlessly about in this world, taking up air and space?" and I could go on. But I will not. Will not go there. :) Promise. Um, encouragement helps too!

I hope I haven't hijacked this blog into being too much about me rather than about Nathan and I. Then again, he works and I get to do this, so of course it's from my perspective. Anyway, if you're still here, thanks for reading. The next post should have some pictures and not as much existentialism. I promise that too!


Emily said...

I'll be praying for the upcoming changes. =) Embrace them, sweet friend! And no, it's not too much about you!

McNabb Clan said...

i love hearing about YOU. lifting you up today! love ali

Matt Smith said...

It's always fun reading what you guys are up to! Hang in there, Shera.

The Pfefferkorns said...

big decsison to make and I am sure it was with a lot of prayer! God will bless you and lead you in all circumstances as long as you are serving him with your whole heart in them. You will learn to be a house frou in SC!
Hopefully we will be able to see you guys this next fall or so. Miss you Shera. I read because I love to hear about YOU and from YOUR point of view....I love nathan too, but I think you are funnier! :)

Tracy and Gary said...

I always believe change is good. Trust the Lord he knows the beginning and the END. Enjoy the rest of your time in Germany you are in a wonderful season of life that you will probably never be in again. I know it is hard to see where you are when you are looking at where you are going but I always try to remind myself to breathe and see the present, the future will be here soon enough! I enjoy reading all of your stories and look forward to seeing you guys in person soon!

Blessed said...

I agree with Ali--more about YOU! The photos of all the fabulous places your visit and the descriptions of your life experiences over there are great, but those who love you want to hear about the inner stuff too. And Nathan would probably not post that stuff even if he was the one writing, since he is a guy. ; ) So thank you for sharing your feelings. I will pray for you too! But let me also welcome you into the sometimes scary but so liberating and God-focused world of an identity based upon who you are and not what you are doing to contribute to the workforce. And now we can picnic almost anytime! ; )

Your trip back to Munich before your departure to the US is not as crazy as it seems now--you won't have to worry about taking "bring home" stuff with you on your last adventure. Less to worry about. And you have some closure, too, coming back to Germany one last time to say goodbye before you head out towards the next CHANGE. : )

The Yorks said...

I have the best and most supportive friends. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement, love and prayers.

kellyd said...

yeah. change is hard. even small things like moving to san jose ;) i was apprehensive but trusted God, and now i am really happy and excited about all the changes, even though i am also very nervous and anxious about them. i'll be praying for you too with all the upcoming changes! and looking forward to seeing you again!