Friday, December 12, 2008

Funny Pictures

I've been meaning to post these. Just random signs and cultural differences that are amusing. Enjoy.

This looks totally photoshopped, but it's just the camera fogging up when we were up on the Zugspitze and then went into the little hut for hot chocolate.

Scary buttons and dials on the washing machine in the hotel.

This was where I went to do laundry. Two floors below ground, super narrow, cold and dank.

This does not need a caption. Don't you just love the detail?

Those German men!

This was in Sweden. Apparently you can buy a air tight piglet carcass.

From the first snow in Munich. The sign says: Surfing and bathing forbidden/prohibited. Guess not everyone follows those German laws.

Almost forgot this one. What the???

1 comment:

Allen and Becka said...

The dog pooping was hilarious and the piggy was sad...poor baby.