Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Drumroll please......

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!

We can't believe it. I personally thought it may have just been impossible. But it's true. Or at least 99.9% (according to the ultrasound technician) true. And best of all, everything looks good and healthy.

Here's my favorite interaction of the day:

Technician: Do you want to see between the legs?
Me: Yes, please.
T: Any wagers? (looks at Nate, Nate shakes his head)
Me: I think it might be a boy, I had a dream it was a boy....
T: Ok, let's see here.........well, there's "his" vagina.

Too funny. We also found out that the placenta is anterior lying, meaning that it's in front, so no wonder I haven't felt too much kicking. Oh well. There are worse places it could lie.

Our daughter (ohmigosh, that sounds so weird), was a bit of a stinker too. She kept moving away from us and refusing to give a profile picture. Plenty of face-on ones though. She was moving and punching up a storm too. One picture we even got with her hand beneath her chin, graduation style! Such a little poser. She's definitely a Grellmann girl!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Slightly Pregnant Pictures


Ah, body image. Gotta love the way we love/hate our bodies. So much societal pressure to look a certain way. Even in pregnancy.

~19 weeks

Recently, my weight hasn't been an issue for me. I've been on the low end of the BMI index for awhile now, and even at my heaviest, (freshman, 15 baby), I was still within the normal range. So, seeing my weight go up and up, is a bit hard for me. I know it's ok, but sometimes it freaks me out to see those numbers I've never seen before on a scale! But I'm not complaining (yet). Just telling. Please don't look at my butt.