Friday, August 28, 2009

Things we will miss about Germany

1. the beer. it just isn't the same anywhere else.

2. the sauerkraut. it IS disgusting. anywhere but here.

3. public transport. clean, efficient, timely, really wish we had this option in the US.

4. proximity to the rest of Europe. Every amazing country within approximately a 1 hour flight: Spain, Italy, Greece, England, Belgium, etc. We were in the center.

5. shopping. never before have I had so many cute and/or beautiful options. Especially H&M. The Europeans know how to dress.

6. waste management system. this is where the European culture is far superior to ours. yes we are consumers. but as the country, the US could manage their garbage a WHOLE lot better. wish we were more environmental like the Germans. Granted, they have had to learn the hard way with restricted land and resources, a growing population and heavy human casualties in 2 world wars, but we should be learning from that! who's with me?!

7. Ok, I admit it. Some meat products that you cannot get anywhere else. Namely, Leberkaese and Weisswurst.

8. Just our lifestyle here. It will never be like this again. And can I admit to a bit of escapism? Just a tad.

9. The friends we've made here. At least now we have connections to come and stay at a later date. (Right? Danny? Ella? Charlene? Emily? Martin & Hannelore?)

10. a culture that doesn't seem as competitive and image conscious as ours. but I could be wrong.

11. our separate and individual comforters.


The Pfefferkorns said...

I love H & M !!!! They are supposed to be getting one here in Portland soon!!
I love that you love you 'big' american things. mee too. But it is nice to enjoy the other side too.
....maybe double comforters is on the christmas list???

hope being home is good. Nate and I are just now looking at the calendar to come down. I really hope it works out.I will let you know of a couple of dates when we get them.

Blessed said...

Buy any clothes you want before you leave--there is NOTHING in the american stores right now, trust me, i have looked! (OK, except for Anthropoligie, but I am choosing wisely not to go there. literally)

I am envious of the euro travel--so amazing! I am SO glad you and Nathan have had this experience B.C. (before children). You will always look back on this time so fondly. Doug and I had Morocco B.C. and that was an adventure we can't wait to repeat in a different exotic location. (And now that D's sister has married an Indian man, looks like the next place will be India!)