Monday, February 16, 2009

First Sunny Day in February

The day after Valentines Day was the first sunny day around here in almost 2 weeks. Nate and I are pretty sure we have some mild form of seasonal depression. We have become sun worshipers. And for those of you who have known me formerly as "Militant Sunscreen Girl" will be in shock. Well, I still wear SPF 15, so maybe not.

Although it was sunny, please do not think that that means "warm". No, no, no, no, no. It's been colder than a tin toilet seat in the Yukon! It was about 19F, anyway, and for this California girl, that is inconceivable. The snow was piling up on the ground, kids were sledding down the little hills in the English Garden and the adults were warming up with more Gluhwein (the mulled wine popular around Christmas).

We walked around, trying to find the patches of sun to stand in and ended the walk with some Gluhwein and hot punch at the Chinese Tower. If you look carefully at the pictures, we look a bit pained in each one. I was REALLY cold! I think we only lasted about an hour and a half before we decided to head back inside.

The Chinese Tower in the English Garden where we had our Gluhwein.

We're really cold here. It's getting painful.

Here I am soaking up the sun.

Our surfer friend doesn't seem to care how cold it is.


Joyce said...

That does look cold! How come you couldn't/wouldn't wear your down jacket? Hopefully you'll get some more sun! Love Mom

The Yorks said...

I didn't think of that! No, really! But the orange coat IS cuter.

Allen and Becka said...

Jon and Jan just returned from Germany and brought us back a bottle of Gluhwein. I can't wait to partake! Cute orange jacket!

Blessed said...

Ugh, your pics and description brought back memories of winter in the midwest--like the time during college in Indiana when there was a huge ice storm and they did not cancel classes. And it was a pedestrian campus out in the middle of the country. Brrrrrrrr! But if it makes you feel any better, it has been nothing but rain and cold here on the Bay! : )

Blessed said...

Uh, and by cold, I mean it got all the way down into the high 40's. Clearly "cold" is relative! ; )